I have the greatest respect for any man or woman who seeks God. In many ways, as a Christian I have far more in common with a practising Muslim or Hindu, and certainly more in common with a practising Jew than I do with a non-believer. But I completely trust and believe in the Bible as God-inspired and that is supported not only by what I know about history and science, but also my own personal experience of prayer answered and God’s presence in my life. So when Jesus says, ‘I am the way and the life, no one comes to the Father except by me,' I have to accept that, and when he says I should share that news with anyone who will listen, then that is what I must do. I cannot say that there are other ways to God, because as politically incorrect as it may seem to some people, that is not what the Bible teaches. The truth is not relative. The truth is not personal. Our interpretations of it are, but the truth is absolute. The Bible teaches that there is one way to God and that it is open to absolutely everyone without exception. It is universal in that it is open to everyone, but it is exclusive in that it is only through Jesus's death that we can be put right with God.
If you are of a different faith I truly hope that message does not offend and that, even if only to understand Christian belief a little better, you will read the Book of John and perhaps more of the Bible. I hope that through it God will speak to you and He’ll call you; but whether you do so or not, and whatever your conclusions, I wish you God’s peace.
As long as the Bible is preached and given authority (i.e. all teaching is based on scripture), the 'type' of church you attend shouldn't really matter. You may find a better 'fit' for you in a different church, but the church that you attend won't affect your salvation. There are many Christian denominations (that is different types of church: Church of England, Methodist or Baptist for example). Personally I’m Baptist, but as long as a church teaches that the Bible is God’s perfect word and as such is entirely true; and holds that Christ died for your sins and that all who call on Him and repent are saved, then that really is the main thing. When God speaks in the Bible of his Church, he is referring to all believers. We would do well to remember that if we have faith then we are all brothers and sisters in Christ.
Roman Catholicism
Roman Catholics, provided they have accepted Jesus as their saviour and have repented of their sins, are saved and are part of God's family too.
The denominations above are Protestant. The Protestant movement (coming from the word protest) broke away from the Catholic church some 500 years ago, rejecting many of its teachings as non-biblical. There continue to be many Roman Catholic teachings that a Protestant would argue are contrary to scripture (that is what is written in the Bible). For example confession to a priest (the Bible teaches that we confess directly to God) or prayer to Mary (the Bible teaches that we should only pray to God or Jesus - Mary was an incredible woman, but she was not devine) are just two important examples of significant differences in teachings. Not all Catholics that I speak with have had positive experiences of the church. If that is you, you may like to read 'Far From Rome, Near to God' to examine your own experiences against those of others and perhaps come to terms with them and find a way forward with God. However, I have met many wonderful Roman Catholics who truly believe that Jesus died for their sins, have accepted Him as Lord and have repented. If that is the case, then they are saved. As important as it is to follow God’s teachings as closely as possible, we must never lose sight of the fact that salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ and repentance from sin.
Sexuality and Gender
God loves you irrespective of your sexuality and gender. The Bible teaches that God intended for one man to be with one woman and that they should live together as husband and wife. As old-fashioned as that may seem to many people these days, that hasn’t changed. But we are ALL God’s children and he loves us ALL. I think these are tough issues to deal with alongside following Jesus, but whatever your sexuality or gender, you remain his child, his creation. He loves you, and those are things that are between you and Him and they should not stop you accepting him. We ALL sin. We ALL fall short. That is why we ALL need Jesus.
Bad Experiences of Church
A previous bad church experience doesn't mean that you shouldn't find a church to learn about and worship God. Some people were raised going to church and didn’t enjoy it, or have perhaps attended one as an adult and found it to be a negative experience. Remember that the church is the people in it, and all people are flawed. Please don’t reject God on account of people who perhaps didn’t manage to demonstrate His love for you as well as they should have done. As believers we should all reflect God's love and glory to those around us - but we remain imperfectly human. You may also find that should you return to that church now, you yourself may have changed and would see things a little differently. Or maybe that church was never the right one for you and you need to find a different one.
Nor should you assume that everyone (or even anyone!) in that church was a Christian. Christians should go to church, but going to church doesn't make you a Christian. People sometimes go to church because 'that's what they do', out of habit, or to look good in the community etc. That won't change them much from the rest of the world - and those can be the most judgemental kind of people! It is when we accept Jesus and are filled with the Holy Spirit that true change takes place - and even that can take time. Each of those people are on their own journey to God, just as you are, so try not to judge them and their motives too harshly. Ultimately we are all the sum of our experiences until such time as we invite God into our lives and he helps us to change.